Cervical screening: What to expect from your smear test

Cervical cancer screenings save at least 2,000 lives every year in the UK. Here's what you should expect from your smear test and why these screenings are important.
A lady sat on a bed at GP surgery talking to a doctor

One in 142 women in the UK will be diagnosed with cervical cancer in their lifetime. A cervical cancer screening, better known as a smear test, can detect the development of abnormal cells in the cervix and prevent cervical cancer.

Who is eligible?

All women and people with a cervix are eligible for a cervical cancer screening. This includes Trans men and non-binary people who are assigned female at birth and registered with their GP as female.

Screenings will occur at regular intervals between the ages of 25 and 64. If you're 25 to 49, invites to screenings will be every three years. For those aged 50 to 64, this will be every five years.


What to expect

A smear test should take around five minutes, and the whole appointment should take at most ten minutes. A female GP or nurse will carry out the test, but if you have any concerns, contact your GP practice or sexual health clinic ahead of your appointment, and they will work with you. 

The smear test may feel uncomfortable, but it should not be painful. If you experience pain during the exam, inform the GP or nurse attending you immediately. 

Many people put off booking or attending their smear test because they're not sure what to expect. Healthcare professionals conducting the exam will ensure you feel comfortable and safe and will be happy to talk you through the procedure.

For information on cervical cancer, treatment and screening in video format, check out this informative video from the SWAGGA Community Innovation Team (CIT)

Cervical Screening Information



A young lady speaking to a nurse

Talk to someone

A smear test is a very personal procedure, which can be off-putting for some. You can talk to someone about the test if you feel embarrassed or worried. Sometimes it's easier to speak to someone you don't know. Your GP or nurse can talk you through what to expect, addressing any concerns or worries about the test. 

You may want to contact an organisation that provides information and support about having cervical screening if you're unable to speak with your practice. 

Eve Appeal offers information and support for anyone affected by gynaecological cancers. It also provides information about cervical screening for transgender, non-binary and intersex people. 

Call their helpline on 0808 802 0019.

Where can I get a smear test?

Your GP practice can offer you an appointment for your smear test. You will be automatically invited to a test up to six months before you turn 25 or when your next one is due. 

However, the impact of the pandemic may mean that you are overdue an appointment or have yet to receive an invite. It's always worthwhile checking in with your GP.

You can also attend a sexual health clinic to have your smear test done if your GP practice cannot offer you an appointment.