Latest news and views

Healthwatch Coventry wins award for improving maternity care for refugees and asylum seekers
We have won the annual Healthwatch Impact Award for making a difference for local people.

Third of people in England lack confidence they can access critical NHS services
New Healthwatch research shows a third of adults lack confidence that they can access timely health care. Read the findings and our calls to action.

How trauma cards could improve access to care
Healthwatch England called on the NHS to adopt pocket-sized trauma cards for patients to show during appointments

Patients put off seeking care due to ‘dysfunctional’ NHS admin, warn patient groups and healthcare experts
New research published highlighting the scale and impact of poor NHS administration and patient communications.

NHS complaints system lets people down, new research warns
Read the latest report from Healthwatch England – A pain to complain: Why it’s time to fix the NHS complaints process
Latest reports and publication

Healthwatch Coventry Steering Group Minutes- 19 November 2024
Our steering group met on 19 November.
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Experiences of people living in Housing with Care
Read our latest report which looks at the experiences of people living in Housing with Care
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