Find out how lockdown affected local residents in Coventry - Gaile's story
Here is Gaile's story.
Gaile has been a longstanding member of Healthwatch Coventry, volunteered in various roles including taking part in our Enter and View visits and sitting on our Steering Group. Gaile is sharing her experience of lockdown so far...
We have coped reasonably well by ensuring, as far as possible, we follow our normal routine at home.
Keeping in touch regularly virtually is good but not the same. In addition, being with someone, however well you get on, for 24/7 is not always easy, having individual experiences does give you something different to talk about. Like everyone, I can't wait for the hairdresser to open, also the dentists, I lost a veneer on my front tooth the first day of lockdown.
I think the instruction to socially distance has been quite well observed. On our walks for exercise others will usually make sure the 2 metre space is observed, as we do, although there have been occasions when this has not happened and, as my partner walks with a stick, it is hard for us to take avoiding action.
What has been the hardest thing?
The hardest thing is being unable to visit /have visits from children/grandchildren; they all live out of Coventry so it may still be a little while. Seeing your family cope with home-schooling, additional house duties and not being able to help has been hard.
Top tips
Getting up and dressed as near normal times as possible, have meals at your usual times, do the jobs around the house on the days you would normally.
Fill the gaps left because you can't get out or meet people with a mixture of gardening, reading, walking/exercise, other household jobs. Keep in touch with friends /family in whatever way you can. Try not to sit down, only when you need to.
Try to watch something amusing on your TV or computer, it does make you feel better for a while. We are watching Benidorm for the first time from the beginning