Statement about closure of Prescription Ordering Direct

Healthwatch Coventry is the local independent health and social care champion. Over the years many people have shared their experiences of Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) with Healthwatch.
There have been ongoing issues. People have had long waits on the phone or had to make multiple phone calls to get through. For some people the process has been an additional hoop to go through to get their medication.
However, POD provides an important service for those who can only order their repeat medication by phone. POD also enables people to give a relative permission to re-order on their behalf when they are less able to do it themselves.
The NHS App offers a clear and user-friendly route for people who have digital access to order their medication, but this is not suitable for all.
The Integrated Care Board has set out plans for the transition which address some of the things Healthwatch Coventry has highlighted to them. The ICB should further strengthen these plans by:
- Clear and consistent support across all GP practices for people who cannot use Apps or online methods rather than different experiences depending on where people live.
- Using a person centred and co-ordinated approach between GP practices and pharmacy services to avoid people falling into gaps.
- Creating ways for those who re-order on behalf of someone else and are not registered at the same GP practice.
- Work with Healthwatch on a clear escalation route for local people who have issues related to access to medication.
Whilst there is a three-month transition period, we are concerned that POD staff are likely to move on and this will reduce capacity to support people.
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Have your Say
The closure of POD must avoid disadvantaging local people who rely on a phone to reorder their medication or have family members/informal carers with authority to order on their behalf. People must not be left with gaps in their medication due to the transition or be unclear how to resolve any problems.
Find out more information about Prescription Ordering Direct
Prescription Ordering Direct - Coventry & Warwickshire CCG (