UHCW set to launch Blood Borne Virus (BBV) testing in Emergency Department

A new testing programme aiming to pick up undiagnosed cases of HIV, hepatitis B and C is to launch at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust.


From Wednesday 19th  March, all patients coming through the Emergency Department (ED) who require a blood test will automatically be tested for the infections. Following the successful introduction of this approach in 34 other EDs nationwide, it is being expanded to a further 47 sites across the UK.

Many people are living with an undiagnosed Blood Borne Virus (BBV). Hepatitis B and C are viruses that affect the liver and HIV impacts the immune system.

All results are handled in confidence by a dedicated team of healthcare professionals specialising in HIV and hepatitis testing and treatment. Patients will not need to do anything extra. If they are already having blood tests taken, they will automatically be tested unless they opt out by informing a member of staff.

Results usually take two to three days to be processed, meaning patients will not receive these results on the day they attend ED. Patients will be contacted if their result is positive, when they will be invited to an urgent clinic for a confirmation test and to discuss possible treatment options. They will also be informed if something went wrong with the testing process which meant a result was unable to be generated.

Early diagnosis of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C is crucial as, for all these infections, it can be years before a person might show any signs or symptoms, by which time, significant damage to their bodies may have already occurred. Our current medications are lifesaving for HIV and hepatitis B, and we can even cure hepatitis C

UHCW Consultant Virologist Lisa Berry