Good Engagement Principles

Our eight principles to guide effective engagement and involvement of patient and the public by NHS and care organisations, so that barriers to involving people can be addressed.

We have created these eight principles based on feedback from local people collected continually through our work. This enables us to have an understanding of the reasons local people have for not getting involved and the frustrations local people express with engagement activities. We also had input from local engagement leads from the NHS and local council.

The principles highlight key questions that should be considered and built into planning and delivery to be effective in patient, public engagement.

Healthwatch Coventry has the role of asking questions about and working to support engagement activity. We will use the principles to help with this.

We also want questions about the quality and effectiveness of engagement activity to be built into decision making and delivery throughout the new Integrated Care System.


Good Engagement Principles

The principles cover the following topics: 

  1. Why?
  2. Transparent
  3. Partnership
  4. Inclusive
  5. Timely
  6. Resourced
  7. Outcome
  8. Learning

Healthwatch Coventry believes that the experiences and voices of local people should play an important part in how NHS and social care services are planned and delivered. Engagement activity must be meaningful for those taking part. This will also make it more worthwhile for the organisations involved.

Ruth Light Healthwatch Coventry Chief Officer

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