Report of visit to Phil Mead House care home

We visited on 1 March 2023 for a day to talk to residents and staff and to observe life in the care home to find out:
- How residents' health needs are met e.g. accessing GP appointments, dentistry or hearing services
- How residents have choice and control in their day to day living
- What the care home environment was like, including dementia friendly design.
From what we saw and conversations we had there were many positive aspects to the care provided at Phil Mead House. The residents we spoke to were happy living in the home. Staff described a caring ethos.
There were person-centred approaches and choice and control for residents in their care and residents’ health was supported. Although not all residents had received dental or hearing checks.
Our recommendations
We made four recommendations and all have been addressed by the care home:
- Ensure all residents hearing is regularly reviewed whether they wear hearing aids or not. Some people are unaware of hearing deterioration.
Ensure all residents have regular dental check-ups at defined intervals.
For temperature gauges to be put in to ensure correct temperature can be recorded in all areas of the building.
To add a picture board to display which Staff are on shift, so residents and visitors know.
About this care home
Phil Mead House is a purpose-built care home set in a residential area of Coventry. It is part of the Abbeyfield Group.
It offers accommodation and residential care for up to 28 residents in en-suite rooms. it is a purpose-built facility set in spacious grounds.
We visited on 1 March 2023 between 10.00am and 3.00pm.
Read more about Phil Mead House from the Care Quality Commission