Visits to hospital emergency and urgent care - experiences and actions

Learning from visits to A&E, Minor Injuries and other urgent treatment areas at UHCW

We visited different areas of University Hospital Coventry to understand experiences of urgent and emergency care between 9 February and  10 April 2024.

We wanted to find out about experiences of local hospital urgent and emergency care services and  to see how people flowed between different services within urgent and emergency care as part of the ‘streaming process’ to get people to the most appropriate place for their medical needs.  

We heard from 92 people.

We called for 

  • Safer access between floors for those who need help
  • Improved privacy and dignity
  • A review of the purpose of SDEC and MAU
  • More communication and support for those who need it
  • For good practice to be shared 
  • For plans for a lift between A&E and Minor Injuries Unit

Next steps

Managers at UHCW have identified actions in response to each of our recommendations.

These include

  • a portable x-ray machine moving back to the Minor Injuries Unit
  • funding secured from the hospital charity to update the SDEC waiting area
  • reviewing why people attend SDEC and where from
  • making sure that people know they can stay with relatives who are vulnerable e.g. have dementia. When there is less space and relatives are asked to leave.


Read the full report


Or read the summary report

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