New 1,600 space car opens at Coventry hospital
The car park is due to welcome its first staff members on Monday 14th March as part of a phased launch running up until the end of the month.
As well as offering additional secure parking to staff, the ‘game-changing’ development will help to increase parking capacity for patients and visitors at the front of the hospital.
A total of 34 active Electric Vehicle (EV) charging spaces have been included in the new car park. There are also 46 passive charging spaces which can be activated to meet future need, believed to be the largest number provided by any NHS Trust in the country. 34 motorcycle parking spaces and spaces for bicycle parking are also available.
I am delighted to see this vital piece of infrastructure come to fruition. The new car park will have a potentially game-changing impact on staff, patients and visitors – delivering an enhanced experience of accessing the hospital. By providing more dedicated staff spaces the Trust will also be better able to recruit and retain staff.