Annual report 2017-18
In this report we summarise our work and achievements in 2017-18
Highlights from the year
- We helped people to raise concerns about the Blood Taking Service – resulting in shorter waits, easier booking and better information for patients
- Our visits to hospital wards enabled vulnerable patients to have a voice and led to an action plan to improve communication with patients
- 96 people/families received support in having their voices heard by making a complaint about a NHS service. All those referred to the Ombudsman were taken up as cases
- Our Information Line helped people in relation to 268 complaints about the NHS - an increase of 119% - enabling people to have their issues heard
- We gathered the views of 713 people through 48 contact point stands in NHS and community places and used this information to inform our work
- We estimate that our volunteers gave 1630 hours of their time to Healthwatch Coventry this year – we could not carry out our role without this support
In our 5 years we have matured into an important voice for the public, patients, service users, and family carers in relation to our remit of all local NHS and social care services in Coventry.
Find our more by reading our annual report 2017-18
Download our annual report 2017-18