Annual report 2019-20
This year we listened to local people, visited services, produced reports of findings and made recommendations for change. This ensures that local people have an influence on how services that affect them are delivered and planned.
Highlights of our year:
2594 people shared their health and social care story or views with us
531 people received advice and information
97 people were supported to raise a concern about an NHS service; 30 people’s NHS complaints were upheld in full or part
2817 people engaged with us through social media; there were 4800 visits to our website (since June 2019)
1184 people talked with us face-to-face at stalls, groups and community events
931 people gave their views or shared their stories through our surveys and focused discussion groups
We published 8 reports about the improvements people would like to see with their health and social care, and from this, we made 46 recommendations for improvement based on what local people told us.