What you told us about access to NHS services in Coventry
Very different experiences of GP services and positive about pharmacy services

We spoke to 81 people about their experiences of accessing local NHS services through outreach to libraries and the City of Coventry Health Centre.
What we learnt
49% felt access to healthcare overall was getting harder in Coventry. This is 9% more than in our last survey.
GP services:
- For the first time since we started this survey the proportion who said it was easy or very easy to get through to their GP practice on the phone was over 50%. 35% found this difficult or very difficult.
- There was an even split between those finding getting a GP appointment difficult and those saying it was easy to do so - 44% for both.
Pharmacy services:
- 94% thought it was easy to visit a community pharmacy.
- 72% rated their experience of community pharmacy positively.
- 57% said they were likely or very likely to go to a pharmacy for minor illness help.
- Most used pharmacy for prescription or over the counter medication.
Information about NHS services:
People get information about which service to use from different sources - with GP practices and friends and family common sources of information.
"I have a brilliant GP who is very supportive and takes my concerns seriously. However, getting an appointment with my GP (and getting referrals to hospitals) takes longer than I would like.
Read the report