Accessing NHS services in Coventry - what you told us
Read the experiences people shared with us between April and July 2024

We spoke to 140 people in different community settings to hear views and experiences about access services including GPs, pharmacies, tests and scans. People also told us about there feelings about how easy it is to access NHS Service, mental health support and where they get information about health services from.
Key points
Access to services
- 47% felt access to healthcare overall was getting harder in Coventry. At this point last year 62% felt it was getting harder.
- 54% said getting through to their GP practice on the phone as difficult or very difficult
- 51% found getting an appointment at their GP practice was very difficult or difficult. At this time last year this was 58%
GP services
- 19% said the format of the GP appointment was not right for them.
- 80% thought it was easy to visit a community pharmacy and 62% had been to one in the last 6 months
Community pharmacy services
- 55% said they were likely or very likely to go to a pharmacy for minor illness help
- 62% rated their experience of community pharmacy positively.
Other services
- People who had experienced a test or scan were mainly positive about these
- Digital booking for things like Blood tests were hard for some people to do.
Lack of available appointments, often get referred to other surgeries for OOH [out of hours] appointments, over phone appointment first and then face to face - time consuming
Read the report