The Value of Listening - Our Annual Report 2023-24

Our impact on health and care
Because the people of our City respond to Healthwatch Coventry, we are able listen to the issues that matter to them and pass this on to the decision makers.
"Healthwatch Coventry is a vital conduit in reducing health inequalities, helping to make Coventry a healthier City and improve peoples’ lives.”
Our work led to:
- Improvements to patient care on hospital wards following Healthwatch ward visits where we spoke to patients and observed care
- Swift actions on a hospital ward where we identified concerns. We then revisited the ward and saw improvements in care.
- More improvements in access to maternity care and other support services for refugee and newly arrived women - we enabled their voices to be heard by senior decision makers
- Simpler web information about raising issues at the hospital was created after Healthwatch volunteers reviewed this
- People had an input into the design of Coventry new community diagnostic centre - saying what works for them to make them feel welcomed and informed.
Hearing from different communities
We gathered views and opinions, particularly from those who do not otherwise have a strong voice or tend to be ignored.
Our outreach included work to hear the perspectives of canal boaters and the Hong Kong Chinese community in Coventry.
Trusted source of information
We helped 328 people by providing them with information or signposting then to the best source of help for their specific problems or questions.
Working in partnership and for influence
We worked in partnership with local voluntary groups to understand the issues experienced by different communities, using Healthwatch statutory powers to raise issues and call for solutions.
We continue to play a role within the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System, sharing our insights and supporting health and care leaders to put people at the heart of services.